Introducing a new club on campus: Her Campus

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When hearing about a club called Her Campus, a couple of assumptions might come to mind. It’s a feminist group, a women’s support group, etc. What it actually is? Her Campus is chapter of an online magazine and the #1 media site written for college women, by college women. 

Over 300 schools have chapters. While every chapter contributes to the same online site, each school has its own individual site that houses all of its articles. The St. Bonaventure University site, linked above, already includes dozens of articles ranging from movie reviews to serious pieces about women in the workplace and the struggles of getting older. 

The beauty of Her Campus is those female writers can build up their portfolios with articles included in an online publication while also having the freedom to write about virtually anything they want. Writers can choose to write for a variety of topics including culture, style, wellness, and career. This month, in honor of Women’s History Month, a lot of the content is geared towards honoring women. The Bonaventure chapter is doing a themed content week for the week of March 13-19, where all the writers will pick a woman who inspires them to write about. It can be anyone from their mom to well-known celebrities like Malala and Princess Diana. 

The online publication offers many opportunities beyond writing. 

First of all, it offers fantastic leadership experience. The group is led by a board made up of around five members. At the top of the board are the president and editor-in-chief. The two women in this position liaise with Her Campus headquarters to stay up to date with opportunities for their chapter and receive guidance on running their chapter.

The rest of the board includes the senior editor, social media director and events director. The senior editor does the first round of edits before the editor-in-chief and the president approve articles for publication. The events director plans monthly activities that can serve as a bonding opportunity for the club or a way to engage with the rest of campus. Currently, the Bonaventure events director got the club involved with sponsoring a clothing drive for the Warming House. 

The social media director has an important role because social media plays a significant role in promoting their weekly articles and connecting with other chapters. They are also in charge of brand collaborations. 

Her Campus partners with a lot of brands, primarily ones that appeal to Gen-z women. The Bonaventure branch was recently sent a box of skincare products from Sweet Chef, a vegan skincare brand. The president was sent a box of products to distribute to all the members and those who used the products wrote product reviews for the magazine and provided content for the social media director to create posts. This is a fantastic experience for anyone planning to go into public relations or marketing, or who considers themselves to be an influencer in training.  All of these opportunities provide a fantastic experience and are great resume boosters. If you enjoy writing and are looking for a new group to join on campus, reach out to for more information or stop into their weekly meetings at 6 p.m. on Sundays in the ministry building.