Easy ways to take time for yourself in college

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As we start the second half of the semester, many students are finding it hard to not become consumed with their homework and extracurricular activities. But, as busy college students, it is crucial that we find ways to take time for ourselves so we do not burn ourselves out. Here are a few easy ways to take time for yourself that are easy to incorporate into any busy schedule. 

The first way to take time for yourself is to let your friends or family know when you are feeling overwhelmed, and let them know that you need some time for yourself. This way they will be less likely to ask you to commit to doing things with them while you are spending time with yourself. It will also be a good way to set healthy boundaries with people by expressing how you are feeling and what you need from them. 

The second way to take time for yourself is to learn how to say no. Saying no can be hard for a lot of people, especially if they are people pleasers or feel guilty about not taking every opportunity that steps in front of them but, the truth is, we all need to say no at a certain point. It does not make you a bad person for telling someone no because you need a night or a week where you focus on yourself. Most people will understand if you explain this to them. Do not beat yourself up about saying no, look at it as an opportunity to take time for the self-care you need to say yes to people in the future. 

The third way to take time for yourself is to set aside time every day where you do something that you enjoy. That can be going to get a coffee, watching an episode of your favorite TV show, reading for thirty minutes, or drawing. This way you know that every day you have a set time to relax and practice self-care and are more likely to actually do it than say you are too busy that day. 

The fourth way you can take time for yourself is to implement some kind of exercise routine into your schedule. This can be a great way to clear your head after a long day or before the day even starts. It is also an easy way to make you feel productive while doing something for yourself. 

The last way you can take time for yourself is to plan a date with just yourself on the weekends. This is a great excuse to go out and do your favorite things like shopping, going to your favorite restaurant, or even driving to a town near you to explore. Doing this once a month or even every other weekend can be a great way to be comfortable spending time with yourself. It may even help you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things you have always wanted to do. 

Whatever you decide to do to take time for yourself, remember that it is needed for your success and there is no need to feel guilty about doing it.