Self-care is very important as a college student

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As college students, it is very important that we take the time out of our busy schedules to practice self-care. The stress of college can get overwhelming quickly if you let it. Often in the whirlwind of that stress students forget to take a moment for themselves. Here are a few easy ways to fit in self-care no matter how busy you are.

Having a movie night with your friends on the weekend is a great way to get away from the books and enjoy being with your friends who might be hard to see during the week. Grabbing some of your favorite snacks will also help to make the movie more fun and allow for maximum relaxation.

Going to the gym and getting some exercise can be a great way to get a change of scenery after a long day in the library or your room and get your mind off things for a while. Playing some of your favorite music or a good podcast is a guarantee to get into a good mood. Even if you are just walking on the treadmill it is likely that leaving the gym will leave you with a refreshed feeling washing over you.

Reading a book for your enjoyment is a great way to make reading feel like less of a task and it allows for transportation to a whole new place without leaving the comfort of your bed. Reading can also be a great way to wind down at night and have some quiet time for yourself that most students have a hard time finding throughout the day.

Calling a friend or family member is a great way to stay connected with the people you love and is a good way to rant about the stress of school which can make anyone feel better. It is also an easy way to feel less homesick and can help to turn around a rough day that you may be having.

Cleaning your room can help to make your small dorm room space feel less cluttered and relieve some stress knowing you have a clean space. If the furniture in your room is easy to move around you can rearrange the furniture to give the room a whole new feel and change things up a little bit if you are feeling yourself getting bored with the same day-to-day activities.

Attending an on-campus activity or sporting event is another good way to meet up with your friends and relax during the week. It can also feel good to show your school spirit and be around your fellow classmates. Bona’s has many on-campus activities for students to attend on the weekends so there is no reason to not check one out.

Trying out a new restaurant in your college town or city is an easy way to get off campus and get a total change of scenery. Trying a new restaurant is always fun and you might even find a new type of food or dish that you love. Going off-campus also lets you see more of the town or city that you are in which is always exciting and can reaffirm why you chose the school you are at.

Make time for some of these self-care ideas so you can feel refreshed and be the best student that you can be.