Easy ways for college students to spring clean

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As college students, it can be hard to keep a cramped space like a dorm room clean and organized. But, as the last month of the semester is upon us, it might be a good idea to do some spring cleaning. Spring cleaning can help you to mentally reset as finals season is approaching and make the move-out process a bit easier. Here are a few ideas for things you can do to spring clean your dorm room. 

The first thing that you can do is rearrange things in your dorm room, whether that be furniture or just how you have things organized. This can allow you to find things easier in your room and to make the most of your space. Rearranging things can also allow you to clean spots in your room that you have forgotten about or that you think do not get dirty as quickly as they do. 

Usually, when you rearrange your space you come upon things that you no longer need or are not using anymore. This can be a great opportunity to either donate these items or sell them for some extra cash in your pocket. This also means that you will have fewer things to pack up when it comes time to move out. 

Just like getting rid of things that you are no longer using, you can go through your closet and drawers and get rid of any clothes that you have not worn throughout the semester. If you have a hard time parting with clothes then it could be a good idea to take home winter clothing that you are no longer wearing to free up space in your closet and drawers. 

Sometimes the mini-fridge can become a neglected space especially if you are shoving things around or do not go grocery shopping that often. Take the time to throw out any old food and drinks as well as any snacks that may have expired in your snack drawer. Do not forget to give your fridge a good wipe down when you are done to keep it from having a bad smell and to clean up any spills that may have happened. 

While you are cleaning it may be a good idea to take a look at any sponges or cleaning supplies you use to see if they need to be replaced as those kinds of things tend to grow bacteria quickly. This also allows you to see if any cleaning products you use need to be restocked or thrown out or start using ones that may have got pushed to the back of the cabinet.  

If cleaning and reorganizing is not your thing then it could be a good idea to spend some time updating your resume and your Linkedin profile. This is essential to do if you are looking for an internship this summer, a new job or are getting ready to graduate in May. Even if you are not looking for an internship or job it is important to stay on top of your resume so you do not forget any notable things that you may want to include on your resume. 

Hopefully, these ideas will give you a good place to start when it comes to spring cleaning and let you enjoy the rest of the semester in a freshly clean and organized space.