St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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OPINION - page 35

The Great 8 demoted?

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by

In every professional sport, there is a vast amount of debate among fans, media and experts on who the best players are. Last week, a popular hockey magazine, “The Hockey News,” did their version of this with their annual piece that highlights the top 50 players in the National Hockey League. When looking at the…

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Good night, and keep watching the skies


You know that spiel the university loves to give about alums sprinting through airports to meet up with other alums they don’t even know just because they went to the same school? That’s not going to be me. You know an alumnus who plans their entire year around making trips up to Bonaventure to get…

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Zach Waltzing Away


As my time at St. Bonaventure comes to a close, it’s hard for me to reminisce without bringing up The Bona Venture. Since my first week on this campus, I have been involved with this publication, and I’m unbelievably proud of how much it has progressed in my brief time here. I remember being undeniably…

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Home sweet home


The first few weeks of freshman year of college can be a scary time. For most, it is the first time they are permanently away from home, living with complete strangers in a town that they are unfamiliar with. However, my parents kept reminding me in the weeks leading up to move in day to…

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Mulcahey makes memories


“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us” —J.R.R. Tolkien. Because, how could I not end my senior year with a quote from Gandalf? But also because, the best decision I made in the time given to me at Bonaventure was, without question, joining The BV.…

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Letter to the Editor: A message from Bernie Valento

in Letter to the editor/OPINION by

I was quite surprised to read the recent article in the BV entitled: “Admissions Policy Not Followed.” I’d like to take this opportunity to provide professional insight and expertise on the topic. There are many more factors involved in making a quality admissions decision than a high school average or test score. In fact, the…

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Letter to the Editor: Search for Bern

in Letter to the editor by

Dear Editor: Two weeks ago the College Democrats and College Republicans held a mock presidential debate in Walsh Auditorium. Both groups set up tables outside the room to hand out literature and sign up students to join their group. The College Democrats had just paid over $100 for life-sized cutouts of Bernie Sanders and Hillary…

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Editor reflects on semester


At the beginning of this semester, I wrote a welcome address promising to bring The Bona Venture into the digital age more effectively. I’m happy to say that this semester’s staff has made great strides in that effort, but I cannot say we have eradicated the issue. This semester, The Bona Venture’s website has undergone…

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Respecting ethics in the market


Tyler Grudi’s article last week in the Bonaventure raised interesting questions about discrimination. He argues that government should not force people into associating with one another, that free-market capitalism will work this out as people see best. However, Grudi and many others fail to note an important difference between forcing two individuals to associate with…

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Free-market Catholic


I was at dinner the other day when my friend told me something his father use to say. “If someone tells you that he is a Republican and Catholic, you know one of those statements is a lie.” As a registered Independent, I can’t say I was greatly offended. However, this insinuation that Catholics can’t…

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Solving problems one shirt at a time


It’s easy to look at global problems and pretend they are not your own. The easiest possible mentality to have about big world problems is, “Well, I’m one person. I can’t change anything.” I used to feel that way about the clothing industry. I was vaguely aware that a lot of my clothes were made…

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Travel coast to coast


Over 75 years ago Woody Guthrie wrote one of the most seminal pieces of Americana ever produced, “This Land is Your Land.” While not a discourse on “American exceptionalism,” the song celebrates the vast beauty of this nation. Every day I hear my peers discuss how they can’t wait to escape the United States, that…

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Networking — it’s a dreaded word. Every time I hear the words “networking opportunity,” I am forcibly reminded that adulthood is coming up quickly, and with adulthood comes awkward conversations with people you don’t know. But that’s part of life, and if you look at it the right way, it’s a really cool part of…

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Supporting athletes is not an Olympian task


In the 1970s, Steve Prefontaine and other Olympic athletes fought for a change in the rules about amateurism so they could make a living for themselves as athletes. It has been forty years since those changes, and the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) is still fighting against its own athletes. The goal of the Olympics should…

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Discriminating isn’t distasteful


“Discrimination is simply the act of choice.” This opinion is used by free market economist Walter Williams to advocate for an individual’s right to discriminate against others. It seems off-putting that someone could promote such a horrible practice. It becomes more alarming when you realize that Williams is a black man. Despite having experienced discrimination…

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Quit trippin’, stop skippin’


Lying in bed nauseous and coughing. Reluctantly grabbing my computer, and typing that awful message to my professor: I’m sick. I can’t make it to today’s class. I’m so sorry. The Irish Catholic guilt takes hold as I fall back into a NyQuil induced set of strange dreams. Missing class, what will my professor think?…

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Distressing accesibility


St. Bonaventure University’s lack of proper accessibility for differently abled individuals is an affront to our Franciscan values. The lack of accessibility is shameful and disrespectful to the entire community of non-able bodied people. The best I can say is that Bonaventure does have elevators in most of its buildings, but the majority of them…

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Clare College is a clear success


Years from now, long after graduation, when we look at the diploma hanging on the walls of our offices or sitting on the shelves in our homes, we look at one of the few tangible items that will remain from our college careers. However, a St. Bonaventure diploma means much more than simply that 8½”…

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The purpose of personhood


Hillary Clinton, Presidential hopeful and longtime pro-choice activist, caught the attention of both pro-life and pro-choice advocates last week after her controversial comments on abortion. In an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, news anchor Chuck Todd asked Clinton when an unborn child has constitutional rights. Clinton responded that “under our laws currently, that is…

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The okay outdoors


Many people are terrified of the potential effects of global warming; I would guess a typical Bonaventure student is not going to complain. A shorter, milder winter means more time in both semesters for students to enjoy the great outdoors and all that entails. Any student who has been through at least one academic year…

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