St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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OPINION - page 29

Catholic reflections on the Protestant Reformation


By Alexis Longoria This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. One might be quick to dismiss this as simply being a fun fact pertaining to the year, but there is much more to consider. The history of the Christian Church is immensely tied to the entire development of modern western civilization. The…

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Letter to the Editor: LGBTQ+ community deserves inclusion

in Letter to the editor/OPINION by

By Matthew Laurrie In response to a Sept. 8 Bona Venture article, titled “Choosing chastity over gay marriage,” I feel compelled to share a few thoughts. After reading the Nashville Statement, which was the focus of Patrick Hauf’s editorial, I have serious misgivings about Mr. Hauf’s interpretation of the document. The Nashville Statement, referred to…

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DACA repeal, no big deal


By Patrick Hauf On Sept. 5, President Trump ended the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – a program that gives benefits to children of illegal immigrants – assuring the end of the world – at least that’s how some saw it. If liberals would take just a minute to examine Trump’s words and actions, they…

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Rediscovering the lost art of drinking


Six wineries, two distilleries and one cidery later, I drove the long country road back to St. Bonaventure with tannins on my breath and the calm of the Finger Lakes on my mind. “I cannot rest from travel,” I thought to myself, reciting the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s famous poem Ulysses. “I will drink…

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The BV welcomes new editor-in-chief


I’ve said it since I started, The BV is a labor of love. I still remember signing up for the club at my first club fair. I wrote down “sports,” thinking this would be great for my resume. I’m writing for a college newspaper. I remember my first sports editor, Ethan Kibbe, guiding me through…

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Professor grieves the loss of the Intellectual Journey


By, Sandra Mulryan   “Nothing gold can stay,” concludes Robert Frost in his eight-line poem with the same title. With the waning of the Clare College curriculum at St. Bonaventure University, combined with the sudden death of the Intellectual Journey, I feel the way Frost did when he grieved for the passing of flowers, spring and…

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Choosing chastity over gay marriage


Patrick Hauf Last month, a group of evangelical leaders came together to write the Nashville Statement, reaffirming the Bible’s teachings on homosexuality, transgenderism and chastity. It welcomes people with homosexual attractions to Christianity and explains how they are called to live a life of chastity. Despite the respectful affirmation of church teachings, many people, especially…

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Reaffirming American values


By, Jean-François Godet-Calogeras What happened to us? I was born in Europe in the aftermath of World War II. In my native Belgium, my parents had survived five years of Nazi occupation. My father’s two brothers spent those years as prisoners of war in Nazi camps in Germany. I grew up in the years Europe…

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Bunny says goodbye


By Lian Bunny Co-Photo Editor   I have learned the complex, but utterly rewarding relationship between a young reporter and his or her newsroom. There are many ways to evaluate experiences. For The Bona Venture newspaper, I could reflect on past editorship positions, years involved, number of articles written, amount of hours dedicated, number of…

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Gordon welcomes nostalgia


Hannah Gordon Training Editor   I remember the first time I walked into The BV newsroom—a different one than we have now. Before the first floor of Robinson Hall was converted into freshman dorms, it was hallowed ground for journalism—for us BV’ers anyway. The outdated rugs and furniture became a second home. My first week…

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Thankful for BV


Rachel Konieczny Co-Photo Editor   The Bona Venture is by far one of the best groups I have been involved with on campus during my time at St. Bonaventure. From the outgoing staff to countless, delirious, early-morning layout sessions, I can confidently say the BV helped to positively shape my undergraduate career. Working as news editor…

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Fernandes’ final call


By Andrea Fernandes Associate Editor   My involvement with The BV began shortly after someone told me I wouldn’t succeed as a contributing writer, yet alone, be able to move up and become an editor. When I was a freshman, there were no minorities who were part of The BV. I was told that as…

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BV helps write story of one student’s life


By Amelia Kibbe Advisory Editor   I sat down alone in The BV newsroom on a Tuesday night, planning to write my farewell editorial. But first, I got up from the couch, walked over to the editor-in-chief’s computer and put “Uptown Girl” on at maximum volume. After all, it didn’t quite feel like The BV…

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Pepsi misses mark with recent TV spot


By Anastasia Cottone Staff Writer Recently, an ad for PepsiCo. Inc. products was released which caused a lot of controversy on the internet. The ad, which featured Kendall Jenner, a reality TV star and model, portrayed an imitation of the recent protests and marches that have been happening across our country. While Pepsi’s goal was…

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Celebrity performances not needed at Bona’s


This past weekend, I visited the University at Buffalo. This school is known for having huge names for its fall and spring concerts. It can usually muster up huge names in music that Bona’s simply cannot match. While I was there, I discovered the line-up for its Spring Fest, and I didn’t think the line-up…

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The movie theater experience is in jeopardy


By Luis Rosario Staff Writer The last movie I saw in the theaters was “Get Out,” and the only reason I went to see it in theaters was because I couldn’t stream it online. It seems like movie theaters are dying. People now have third-party apps and websites to watch movies for free while they’re…

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