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News Staff - page 52

News Staff has 1875 articles published.


SBU biology grad inspires new Clare class

By Jessica Dillon Staff Writer A St. Bonaventure alumna along with a faculty member recently researched genetically modified organisms, which has led to a new course offering at the university. Aly Paz, ‘15, who studied biology, and Xiao-Ning Zhang, Ph.D., director of the biochemistry program, began their research after Paz submitted a term paper in… Keep Reading


Students react to documentary in QCA

By Joe Sanchez-Castro Contributing Writer Autism, a condition that affects nearly one in 50 children, has a severe impact on an individual’s ability to acquire basic nonverbal and verbal social interaction, can make life much more complex, according to the documentary, “Best Kept Secret.” Approximately 20 students showed up to watch the documentary. The documentary… Keep Reading


SBU reacts to Trump’s victory

By Diana McElfresh Editor-In-Chief St. Bonaventure awoke Wednesday morning to gray skies, drizzling rain and the news of a new president. With 279 of the required 270 electoral votes, Republican Donald Trump was declared president-elect of the United States around 2 a.m. His main adversary, Hillary Clinton, won 228 electors. Students received the news with… Keep Reading


British Lenna professors talk U.S politics

By Lian Bunny Co-Photo Editor This year’s Lenna Visiting Scholars traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to talk about American politics. Journalists Alan and Barbara Mackenzie presented their talk “UK: State of the Nation” on Nov. 9 to the St. Bonaventure community. The late Betty S. Lenna Fairbank and Reginald A. Lenna of Jamestown funded the… Keep Reading


Memorandum of understanding: Regional and school officials sign agreement to fight sexual violence

By Emily Losito News Editor The memorandum of understanding is an agreement among regional police, health care agencies and advocacy groups to fight sexual violence and domestic violence. Local agencies signed this accord Monday in the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts atrium. Rick Trietley, director of student affairs, introduced the signing ceremony committee.… Keep Reading


Tiger Woods set to return

Next month, the world will see if Tiger Woods has what it takes to make another impact on the game of golf, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. The game showcases the top golfers in the world, and what’s a better way to show that you’re back and better than ever than… Keep Reading


Unfair body expectations

For the longest time, women have not been treated as equals to men. It is unfortunate, but that is just how things are. We have taken many steps forward, but no matter how true that may be, the fact is that we haven’t taken enough steps forward. Women are not only unequal and treated often… Keep Reading


Why have Daylight Savings?

This year marks the 100th anniversary of what has to be one of the dumbest practices known to man – Daylight Savings Time. This seemingly pointless tradition will unfortunately leave you either an hour late or an hour early for all your obligations if you choose not to participate, so you’re pretty much forced into… Keep Reading


Bona’s continues poster conference

By Cameron Pettrone Staff Writer St. Bonaventure hosted the annual freshmen poster conference on Nov. 7 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Doyle Dining Hall. The conference was designed to have University 101 students relate their majors to this year’s All Bonaventure Reads novel, “The Boys in The Bunkhouse.” The novel, by Pulitzer Prize-winning… Keep Reading


Resilient training aims to reduce stress

By Alexis Young Staff Writer “Most men use the first half of their lives trading their health to gain wealth, only to turn around in the second half and use their wealth to try to regain their health.” Dr. Adam Miller, founder of ARISE MD, opened the Resilient seminar by discussing his work in Malaysia,… Keep Reading


The expensive college lifestyle

This past week, as I slaved with a friend on the halls in my dorm to make them look spooky for Halloween, I started to think about the money I didn’t have that I was spending. I then began to realize that sort of thing tends to happen a lot. I came to college fully… Keep Reading


Mishandled drug scandal

Maria Sharapova received a two-year suspension from the International Tennis Federation (ITF) after a drug scandal in which she tested positive for meldonium in her system. After hearing about this story, I thought it could have been handled rationally and in a timely fashion if Sharapova would have openly reported taking the drug when she… Keep Reading


We’re more than athletes

Being known as an “athlete” is a title that is mostly respected but carries some negativity. They are either respected for their admirable characteristics and traits that they have earned and worked for, or they are disliked for their supposed lack of intellect and drive outside of their respective sport. When I think of an… Keep Reading


Durant’s humanizing move

Professional athletes are a rare breed. The athleticism, determination and willpower that it takes to become a professional in any sport can’t be found in your average person. In today’s world, with social media outlets such as YouTube and Twitter, we as a society are constantly being reminded just how incredible these athletes are. But… Keep Reading


Student receives award in California

By Jessica Dillon Staff Writer Amelia Kibbe, the 12th St. Bonaventure recipient of the Jim Murray Memorial Foundation scholarship, traveled to California last weekend to receive her award. Each year, the foundation coordinates a nationwide sports essay competition for journalism undergraduates. The competition prompts students with a 3.0 GPA or higher to prepare essays of… Keep Reading


Powers wins presentation award

By Emily Losito News Editor Three hundred people stared back at Jordan Powers at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio. The meeting took place from Oct. 14 to 15. Powers, a junior biochemistry major at St. Bonaventure, gave a presentation titled “RNA-seq data analysis revealed a novel role of SR45 in plant innate immunity.”… Keep Reading


Athletes eat up nutritionist’s lecture

By Alexis Young Staff Writer “What works for those who are sedentary doesn’t work for those who are competitive athletes.” Tim Wierman, presenter at the ‘Eat to Compete’ presentation hosted Monday by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), said student-athletes need different nutritional requirements than the average sedentary individual. Wierman, who earned his degree in… Keep Reading


School celebrates All Saints’ Day Mass

By Joe Sanchez-Castro Contributing Writer The All Saints’ Day Mass welcomed 30 people into the University Chapel on Nov. 1 in Doyle Hall. Father David Couturier, O.F.M, the administrator and coordinator of the mass, read gospels, sang hymns from the Bible and spoke about the true meaning of this day and explained why it is… Keep Reading

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