Faculty Spotlight: Jason Bussman


By Morgan Kilger

Photo of Jason Bussman/Image Courtesy of Rachel Fisher

Professor Jason Bussman is a new face here at St. Bonaventure University. Originally from the Buffalo area, he graduated from SUNY Fredonia with his bachelor degree in English and English Adolescent Education and a masters in English. 

Bussman is also enrolled at the Western Connecticut State University for his MFA in professional & creative writing. He teaches part time at both SUNY Fredonia and St. Bonaventure in the English department. Here at Bona’s, he teaches writing 101-102. His classes are mainly targeted toward freshmen.

He has loved the written word since he was young, but wanted to be a film director. Bussman eventually started writing for a newspaper; but something wasn’t right. He wanted something more. He decided teaching was his calling when he started to have trainees at work. During his time at the newspaper, it was his job to train new hires. Bussman said they started to understand everything and something just “clicked.” 

         “Having trainees that retained my training was rewarding to me,” said Bussman. 

That’s when Professor Bussman realized teaching was his calling.

 Aside from teaching, Bussman has two published articles. His first article, The Girl with The Hair, was published in late 2022. It’s the story of how he first noticed his wife, and she was the girl with the hair. He has always loved writing, and being published was a dream come true for him. 

This is only Bussman’s second semester at St. Bonaventure. He accepted the part-time position last year and started in the fall.

         “I felt welcomed when I first arrived, and I have always liked the St. Bona’s community,” he said

Bussman also said he loves the student body.

 “Since I’ve been here I have received nothing but A-plus effort and participation.” Bussman said. “Everyone here seems like they woke up and are ready to learn”. 

Bussman has also been a fan of the men’s basketball team since he was young. He said he has been to a few games and they have been some of his best memories. He recently brought his children to a game, and got to watch his daughter fall in love with basketball as a sport.

Bussman says he has been warmly welcomed to the St. Bonaventure family and says he is very happy to be here. 
