Bonaventure honors first generation students

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Students enjoying the fall weather on campus

Steven Stutz // The Bona Venture


For the first time, St. Bonaventure University will celebrate First Generation Student Day on Nov. 8. A first generation student is someone whose parents did not attend a four-year institution. Bonaventure has 395 first generation undergraduate students. 

“I was a first-gen student,” said Stephanie Carpenter, assistant director of first-year programs. “It’s very difficult, because your parents don’t really know how to guide you as much whereas like somebody whose parents went to school and went through all of the same things knows every year you have to do like XYZ … and they know how to navigate that better.”

To celebrate first generation students, there will be a table in the Reilly Center featuring a giveaway and a photo wall. Reilly the Wolf will take part in the celebration as well. 

“This will be an opportunity for everyone to come by and either celebrate themselves as a first-gen student, celebrate their friends/family who are first-gen students or learn what it means to be a first-gen student,” said Casey Beiter, a graduate assistant in the Student Success Center.

The alumni association spoke with first generation alumni regarding their experience as bonnies and the library will pick a book written by a first generation author. 

“When you don’t have that support, you’re figuring it out on your own or your parents are helping you but they are also figuring it out on their own. It’s not super helpful,” Carpenter said.  “It’s really great to celebrate overcoming all of those challenges.”

Carpenter hopes to expand the support for first generation student next year beyond the support that exists with the Career Professional and Readiness Center. Through orientation, Carpenter plans to send out more information and support to first-year students.

“We’re hoping to work to do more programming with the current developments,” Carpenter said.