St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

EIC says goodbye to The BV Newspaper


By Cammie Dutchess, Editor-in-Chief

I was first inducted into The BV during the fall semester of my sophomore year when Dr. Denny Wilkins suggested that I write for the school’s newspaper and introduced me to Natalie Forster during one of his infamous pizza parties. I wrote my first features story a few weeks later and I have not looked back since.

First off, I want to thank all of the editors that I have worked with over these past five semesters. I have learned so much from each of you and I could never repay you for everything you have taught me.

I really want to shout out John Pullano, now advisory editor, who I have worked with every semester since my start as the features assignment editor.

Thank you for being a bright, energetic face every Wednesday night. You always found a way to create a joke and make everyone smile no matter how late into the night it was. Also, thank you for believing in me and asking me to become your managing editor. You saw something in me that I did not even know I had.

I also want to thank last semester’s opinion editor, Max McAuliff. You always made delivering the newspapers on and off campus at awful 7 a.m. Friday mornings better with pumpkin spice lattes and a great smile.

I would also like to acknowledge my managing editor, Tom Seipp, who shows great commitment to not only the BV, but all of the other clubs and activities that he is a part of. Being only a sophomore, Seipp’s work ethic is far greater than a lot of the seniors I know, and I have no doubt that that will take him far throughout college and wherever he decides to do afterwards.

Seipp will never hesitate to stay in the BV room until 4 a.m. to get his stories and pages done and then wake up again at 7 a.m. to deliver the paper. And, when I had to quarantine and miss two BV Wednesdays, he jumped on the opportunity to lead the newsroom and create two fabulous papers. For that, I am forever grateful that he is my right hand.

I also want to thank the person who keeps me sane every BV Wednesday night, Kathy Williams.

We met a couple semesters ago when I invited her to the BV vs. Buzz basketball game because I knew she was on the women’s club basketball team. Ever since that moment, Kathy and I have been like two peas in a pod.

Kathy, thank you for staying with me during all of the late nights in the BV room. It has made staying here at 2 a.m. some nights when I cannot keep my eyes open any longer easier.

I will remember all of the moments, both during the BV and otherwise, and cherish them forever. Thank you for always being there for me and helping me understand what a true friend is. I am so glad that the BV made us closer than ever and I would not imagine spending my last semester in the BV with anyone else.

Although this is not the last week of the BV this semester – it is moving online after this print – I wanted to make sure my thank you’s were proudly printed out for everyone to read.

Again, thank you to everyone that I’ve met through the BV. I will always keep my stacks of now yellow-tinted newspapers forever.

So, I will leave you all with this: don’t forget the hit “control+S!”

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