Sun entered into Aries zodiac season March 20

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By Karolina Dombaxi, Contributing Writer

On March 20, the sun left Pisces behind and entered Aries, the most feisty and dynamic fire sign in the zodiac. Coincidentally, the same day also marked the spring equinox.

With Aries being the first sign in the zodiac chart, the start of the season always marks a new astrological year. With so much to celebrate it is time to take a look at the month ahead to the enjoyable days that Aries will be bringing.

Aries, also known as the Ram, is sometimes referred to as the baby of the zodiac signs. It is the baby not only because it’s the first zodiac sign but also because people born under Aries have a reputation for being childish and impulsive.

It is a cardinal sign ruled by the planet Mars which makes Aries a passionate, energetic and often competitive sign. People born in this season from March 20 to April 19 tend to be great multitaskers and risk takers. They can also have their moments of not being able to slow down enough to enjoy life around them.

On March 21, Mars, the ruler of Aries formed a trine to the planet Saturn, amplifying discipline and commitment to follow-through with plans. It will provide a good time to connect with colleagues to get challenging tasks done.

Although Aries season is about starting fresh and new beginnings, the full moon, occurring on March 28 in the air sign Libra, will encourage people to reflect on the past.

Since Libra is ruled by the romance planet Venus, this full moon might have people feeling like they have crossed the finish line on an issue that has been bothering them for months now. People will be up for learning from their past and applying whatever lessons they learned to their current lifestyle.

On March 29, Mercury will pair up with Neptune in Pisces to make it easier to tune into all things otherworldly (spiritual and metaphysical). It will be a simple time to discuss these matters with others and to go ahead and do some individual research.

If a person prefers to express themselves in a direct and assertive style, they will be able to do that when Mercury moves through Aries from April 3 to 19. This will be a good time to be straightforward in truth telling and also for any debates.

On April 11, the Aries new moon will help people refocus on fresh starts. Sextiles to Mars in Gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius will make it possible to be clear on what people want and to initiate game plans.

Over the course of Aries season, Venus will change signs twice which will have an impact on relationships. It will bring a more excited and restless vibe to love, beauty and money. Venus’s time in Aries will inspire people to be more assertive and bolder while trying to connect with a partner. However, when Venus moves to the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus, it will crank up feelings of romance and relaxation for people they love the most. Consequently, the transition from quick and restless to slow and steady may be a bit uncomfortable.