I believe Dr. Ford’s testimony


Kavanaugh and Ford face off in controversial court hearing

Recently, after watching Dr. Christine Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, it was clear who the true adult was in the room. Ford testified with professionalism and true grit. She presented her allegations to the committee not to destroy Kavanaugh’s career, but to tell her story.
Ford was able to accurately recount the major events of the night and barely skipped a beat when GOP-backed prosecutor Rachel Mitchell tried to undermine her credibility. Although showing emotion at times, Ford demonstrated incredible strength for being a victim of sexual assault.
On the flip side, one cannot say the same for Kavanaugh. Although he has the credentials of a Yale graduate, his demeanor during the Sept. 27 hearings was unhinged.
When Kavanaugh took the stand, Americans saw a defensive, nervous and problematic man. In his opening statements, Kavanaugh began by attacking the Democratic senators saying, “You have replaced advise and consent with search and destroy.”
One of the most intriguing moments of Kavanaugh’s testimony was his reverse questioning of Senator Amy Klobuchar about her drinking habits. Klobuchar was not amused with his response, as it was Kavanagh’s obvious attempt to dodge the question. He also managed to bring the 2016 election into it, by blaming Ford’s allegations on Clinton allies seeking revenge for his vital role in the Ken Starr investigation. Again and again, the American people saw Kavanaugh act like an animal trapped in a corner, unprofessionally becoming flustered and lacking substantial arguments to help plead his case.
The testimony is not, however, the main reason why I believe in Ford. I believe Ford because no woman would ever risk the constant threats and scrutiny. I believe her because she has nothing to gain or lose. I believe her because she took a polygraph, and Kavanaugh did not. Her credibility has been backed by her therapist in 2012, and her husband and friends, who have coached her through countless sexual assault support groups.
The defamation of her character by Republicans on the hill is what’s wrong with Washington today. One cannot forget that Ford herself never wanted this story to be brought to the public eye. It was not until a Washington Post reporter caught wind of the story that Ford became a household name throughout America.
Putting politics aside, we must allow a thorough investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh. Although I am an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, he is still the Commander in Chief. He has the right to pick a Supreme Court nominee. The difference between Kavanaugh and Trump’s previously appointed Supreme Court judge Neil Gorsuch is Gorsuch was never accused of sexual assault. I admire Trump’s decision to open an FBI investigation into Kavanaugh’s past, however, I am pessimistic that the GOP-controlled Senate has any credibility and morals left.

By Adam Glowacki, Contributing Writer
