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UMin building begins to take shape: McGinley-Carney building will be move-in ready by March.

in NEWS by

By Emily Losito

News Editor

The McGinley-Carney Center for Franciscan Ministry building sits shrouded in a plastic cover.

Construction on the new building has been underway since the early part of this semester.

“It has a schedule which calls for substantial completion by Feb. 20,” said Phil Winger, associate vice president for facilities.

He said by that time a building inspector would have come, and the University Ministries could occupy the building.

The only hiccup the construction had was with the steel fabrication, according to Winger. He said Duggan & Duggan General Contractors, Inc. have had to compensate to meet the time requirement.

Kate Dillon Hogan, coordinator of ministries operations, said Duggan & Duggan employees worked overtime because the project is important to them.

Hogan said the concrete foundation has been set, the storm sewers were put in and the roofing is all set to go.

“When [students] come back, it should be bricked,” she said.

The bricks will be consistent with the other buildings on campus, she said.

“It’s so the campus maintains a look, a defined look,” Hogan said.

As far as the budget for the building, Winger said there have been no significant problems.

“There have only been some minor things. A water line wasn’t where it should have been. There’s a contingency budget set aside for problems like this, but we haven’t used it,” Winger said.

He said he doesn’t think the contingency budget will have to be used within the next couple months.

There are several steps progressing at the same time, according to Winger. He said carpenters are working on the outer walls this week, along with plumbers working under the floors and mechanical contractors working on heating and air conditioning ducts.

“As a whole, it’s an exciting project. It’ll be an interesting addition to the campus architecturally,” Winger said.

He added the new building will give a new prominence to ministries that the old building hosted, but that just haven’t been shown off.

“The execution is in good hands [regarding construction],” Winger said. “We feel good,” he added, referencing Jared Smith, assistant director for facilities.
Hogan is excited and positive.

“We’re already picking out furniture,” she said.

Winger tells the community, “Watch for progress, and watch for the ribbon cutting.”

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