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Dr. Paula’s popcorn is tradition


The scent of buttery popcorn filled the fourth floor of Devereux Hall, once again, as Dr. Paula Scraba, O.S.F., PhD, residence in minister, sporting an apron, hosted another Popcorn Tuesday.

Scraba said that as a minister, it is really important to showcase hospitality.

“Popcorn Tuesday really started as a way for students to get a study break, gain an opportunity to converse with one another and to just grab a snack,” said Scraba.

Madeline McDonald, a sophomore accounting major and fourth Dev resident, said she enjoys having Popcorn Tuesday on the floor.

“Every time I go, I get to meet someone new and get the opportunity to talk to them a little over a soda and some pretzels,” McDonald said.

Popcorn Tuesdays are open to everyone, ranging from people in the community to everyone on campus, and are every Tuesday at 9 p.m.

According to Scraba, the money to put on Popcorn Tuesday is donated from the employees in housekeeping. That money comes from earnings on recyclable cans and bottles.

Nathanial Discavage, a junior journalism and mass communication major and the fourth Dev resident assistant, said Popcorn Tuesday is a great community builder.

“As an RA, it helped me develop a closer relationship with my residents, because we have been able to chat and get to know each other better,” said Discavage.

Scraba said Popcorn Tuesdays occurs year round. This marks the eighth year that Scraba has been doing Popcorn Tuesdays at Bonaventure.

Over the years, students have gained some favorite Popcorn Tuesdays memories.

Discavage said one of his favorite Popcorn Tuesday memories is from last month, when one of the GOP (Grand Old Party) debates was on the TV. He said that there were over 15 students there, all with different political views, and he found the amount of constructive conversation amazing.

Scraba said she goes through about three cases of soda and a container of popcorn each week.

She added she is now looking forward to the ice cream social she is going to host during finals week.

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