Editor reflects on rewarding experience in the newsroom


By Sara Ward

Associate Editor

As I walk the trail and see the beautiful mountains in the distance on my way to class, I can’t help but realize that I won’t be doing the same thing next year. Sure, I like to complain about the questionable food options at the Hickey and dread climbing up the three flights of stairs to get to classes on third Plassmann, but over these past few years, I’ve learned that there is no place I’d rather be than Bona’s.

At the end of my time at St. Bonaventure, I’m not sure if I’ve become extraordinary, but I do know one thing: I will always be a proud Bonnie.

To my freshman roommate Kimmie O’Connell, thanks for being there for me as we both dealt with the newness of college and the inevitable initial homesickness. I don’t know where I’d be without your wonderful advice, ability to listen and our silly trips to the Dollar Tree. We became friends as scared incoming freshman at orientation, and I’m forever grateful for that.

To the professors I’ve had over the years, Chris Mackowski, Richard Lee, Carole McNall, Richard Simpson and Maddalena Marinari, just to name a few, I feel so lucky to have learned from some of the best. Your lessons have helped me become a confident, intelligent young woman with skills I will keep long after I leave Bona’s.

To my friends and roommates, I’ve had moments with you I will always remember. The summer before college I worried about making friends, but you’ve made me realize I had nothing to be nervous about. I’ve been blessed with the friends I’ve made here, and I can’t imagine spending my time with any other people. We’ve grown so close, and I consider all of you family.

And lastly, to the BV, I want to give a special shout out to Mary Best, Chris Graham and Maria Hayes for choosing me to join this special group of people. Your help and guidance helped me become a successful editor even as I moved beyond the opinion section and into copyediting.

My stories began in a rainbow of colors needing to be edited, but I’m proud to say my writing has vastly improved because of my time at the BV. Working late nights with AP style and grammar proved rough at times, but it was all worth it. I’ve met so many fantastic people as a result of the paper. I’m sad that it’s finally time to leave.

Thanks again to SBU for making my college experience unforgettable. From the moment I took a picture with the Bona Wolf at Spring Into Bona’s my senior year of high school, I knew I had made the right choice. Once a Bonnie, always a Bonnie!