Campus computer labs must offer proper tools for students


This editorial represents the opinion of The Bona Venture staff.

Every Bonnie knows what it’s like to rush to class in Plassmann or the Reilly Center basement with a flash drive in hand and only seven minutes to spare before a freshly finished essay is due. The computer labs, especially the updated wireless printing, make it easy to print in a hurry and have a hard copy ready-to-go in minutes. However, one of the most frustrating parts of the computer labs is the absence of staplers next to the printers. Students often must resort to folding down the corners of the pages together or rummaging in the bottom of their book bags for a worn paperclip.

With the high cost of printer ink and the fact that Bonnies are already charged for a certain amount of printed pages per semester, most students refrain from using personal printers and instead use the public ones on campus. These printers are located in a variety of spaces, with the most popular probably being the library, which has staplers available for students. Perhaps because, unlike the library, computers labs are unattended so students have been deemed irresponsible enough for a simple stapler left next to the printer.

There are 11 public computer labs strategically placed around campus besides the library including the Reilly Center, Plassmann, Swan, Walsh and Robinson Hall. The practicality of all staplers being placed in all computer labs around campus is common sense. Their addition would be low cost and affect students and professors positively. Once these staplers are in place strategically around campus, students must uphold their promise to follow the student code of conduct and be respectful of university property by refraining from stealing or moving them.