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Students need to renew E2Campus subscriptions

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by

The best way to handle a situation is to be prepared.

Take Hurricane Sandy for example, the Bonaventure community understood the gravity of the situation and had a plan to deal with it if it happened to strike here.

Thankfully all the Bonaventure campus received was some high winds and a lot of rain, but we were prepared for worse. The aspect of preparedness is crucial, not just when dealing with hurricanes, but also something as miniscule as cold weather.

The St. Bonaventure community has an opportunity to tackle these obstacles with the help of the E2Campus alert messages. After signing up, students will receive text message alerts from anything ranging from weather conditions to robberies at the local Wal-Mart.

This is a very handy service, but the system cannot do all of the work to protect us. We have to put forth some effort too.

More than 1,700 of the system’s 2,900 users’ subscriptions will run out on Nov. 30, according to a Nov. 14 St. Bonaventure notice board email.

Renewing your subscription takes approximately two minutes and can even be accessed from your smartphone and doesn’t cost anything, so there is no excuse to not do it. And why wouldn’t you want to?

Knowing what is to come will help you to handle the situation whether it be knowing to put on a pair of gloves before walking to class to avoid frostbite or knowing when the roads aren’t safe enough to drive on.

There is no point in people working hard to operate a system if there is nobody to utilize it. It is disrespectful if we don’t.

This service is being provided with our best interests and well-being in mind. These alerts can help to prevent accidents and even deaths. People should heed the warnings that could make the difference between avoiding the issue safely or facing injury.

What if someone foolishly decided not to renew the E2Campus text alert subscription? Perhaps one day he or she is driving to class and drive into a patch of black ice, and the car spins out of control causing damage to the vehicle, to the driver and innocent bystanders.  Two minutes renewing a service could be the difference between money lost on repairing a car or even lives lost.

This scenario may seem far fetched, but who is to say that it couldn’t happen. One way to make sure it won’t is to be informed.

Weather isn’t the only thing E2Campus will alert us about. If there is a potential threat on campus, such as a gunman, E2Campus text messages will send students text messages as to the shooter where abouts and keep them posted as to when it will be safe to move around campus again.

If people are working hard enough to operate this E2Campus text message alert system, the least we can do is use it because after all it is designed to keep us safe.

Why not take two minutes out of your day to sign up for the messages? It could end up saving your life.

This editorial represents the opinion of the BonaVenture staff.

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